Your trusted aide in business

IMG_0146_DxOCompanies often need to interact with partners or authorities outside their home venue in the course of their daily business. For foreign companies it could be the whole of Russia, while for the Russian companies residing outside Moscow it could well be Moscow itself.  Few business ventures can afford the costs of a permanent representation in Russia, and in many cases there is no need for one. Besides, international travel and stay in Russia or Moscow could be quite costly these days. Same applies to russian entrepreneurs with permanent business residence outside Moscow – Russia is an 11 time zones area after all. However Moscow is pretty geocentrical egoistic capital with too many roads ending in it. Moscow is the Russian Rome.  No matter how local a business may be, to secure it runs smoothly lots of things may need to be done in Moscow or  in the shadow capital Saint Petersburg now and then.

Many services could be ordered from vendors distantly these days, even on-line. Yet a sequence of interactions with partners or authorities is a more delicate scenario often requiring presence on site.

1335-1243971148gieT“Business Chancellory” Bureau could assist companies and entrepreneurs in both simple and complex interactions and not-typical business assistance  scenarios (see Ch. “Our business” for details) that otherwise require expensive travel or  presence in Moscow or other locations in Russia.

All services rendered are strictly of supplementary nature to core business activities of the clients – we do not do business instead of the clients. We assist clients to do business on their own.

Should a client require services supplementing and assisting its business endeavours in Russia or in Moscow provided both the business itself and such assistance are legitimate, and if we are confident that we shall able to deliver nothing but perfect service, than we might undertake to accommodate such assistance and support requirements.